External relations
Despina Chatzivassiliou-Tsovilis assisted rapporteurs in promoting stronger Council of Europe — European Union partnership in the aftermath of the Lisbon treaty, including EU accession to the ECHR;

Meeting with European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker,
in April 2019
she provided assistance to the Assembly — European Parliament Joint Informal Body which in 2011 agreed on arrangements regarding the European Parliament’s participation in the election of judges to the European Court of Human Rights following EU accession to the ECHR;
she put in place streamlined co-operation between the Assembly and the OECD, ensuring the Assembly’s participation in the OECD Global Parliamentary Network as an institutional partner, thus strengthening synergies and enhancing the parliamentary dimension of the co-operation;

With members of Political Affairs Committee, Rik Daems (now President of PACE), and Georges Papandreou at the OECD Headquarters,
in December 2019
With Secretary General of the OECD, Angel Gurría, in December 2019
she contributed to the implementation of the Assembly’s neighbourhood policy by assisting parliamentarians to promote Partnership for Democracy status or ad hoc cooperation with parliaments from neighbouring regions, accession to Council of Europe conventions, co-operation with the Venice Commission and the North-South Centre and thus adherence beyond its borders to standards and values upheld by the Council of Europe, including in the area of gender equality;
she co-organised several regional conferences, meetings and visits, bringing together PACE members with parliamentarians and experts from the Middle East, the Southern coast of the Mediterranean and the Arctic region.

Meeting of the Sub-Committee on external relations, with the participation of PACE President, discussing the political implications of global warning and climate change in the Arctic region with the Chairpersons of the Conference of Parliamentarians of the Arctic region and of the Senior Arctic officials, the Special Representative on artic issues of the PA OSCE and experts from the University of Lapland, in Rovaniemi (Finland), in December 2019

With the President of the Venice Commission, Gianni Buquicchio, Chairperson of the National Human Rights Council of Morocco, Driss El Yazami, Vice-President of the National People’s Assembly of Algeria, Morad Helis and members of Political Affairs Committee, Georges Loucaides and Nina Kassimati, in Dubrovnik (Croatia), in November 2018

Conference on the "Peace process in the Middle East", chaired by the President of the PACE, Miguel Ángel Martínez, with representatives from the Palestinian National Council and the Knesset, in Rhodes, in July 1995

At the Israeli checkpoint to enter Gaza with MPs Lluís Maria de Puig, Jacques Baumel, Aristotelis Pavlidis, in summer 1996